Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wizard101 Fanart


Hey, Liz here! 'Sup fellow wizards? Well, If you have any wizard101 fanart, send it to our e-mail (theracereva@gmail.com) and we'll upload it here. Don't forget to add your wizard name,
your age (optional) and your country (optional).

Liz D.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Unicorn Way Main Characters

Unicorn Way Main Characters


Lost Soul:

Skeletal Pirate:

Dark Fairy:

Fairy Queen:

Rattle Bones:

Lady Black Hope:


Private Connely:

Ceren Nightchant:


Olivia Dawnwillow:

Lady Oriel:

Liz D.            

Friday, June 26, 2015

Weekly Question 6/26/15

Weekly Question:

Hey guys! 'Sup? This week's question is.....  What is your favorite card?

Well, mine is Hydra but, I also like the dark fiend and the sirens!!!
I can't decide!!! 

Anna's fave one is the thunder snake...

Which one is YOUR FAVORITE?


                                                                                                                                          Liz D.